New York

Resources for Complaints

How to file a complaint against a New York State Judge

Here are the Rules of Judicial Conduct for New York State Judges. If you believe a judge has violated these rules, click here for information on how to file a complaint, and here for the complaint form itself. Here are procedures for processing complaints, and a database with public determinations in response to complaints.

How to file a complaint about a New York State Attorney or Attorney for the Child (AFC)

If you believe an attorney has violated the Rules of Professional Conduct, or if you believe an Attorney for the Child (AFC) has violated the Part 36 Rules which govern AFC appointments and compensation, you may file a complaint with the Appellate Court in your Judicial Department. Complaint forms and procedures vary from one judicial department to another. To find the appropriate forms and procedures for your court, you may search the website. For example, in the 2nd Judicial Department, you can find a complaint form here and further information here.

How to file a claim of Discrimination in New York State

The Office of the Inspector General has a special unit for dealing with bias matters regarding race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, disability, religion, creed, domestic violence status, or genetic status. Visit the Bias Matters Unit to get more details and file a claim.

Operating and Administrative Rules

It's a good idea to understand the operating and administrative rules for your case. There are state-wide rules, such as the Uniform Rules for NYS Family Courts and the Uniform Rules for the Supreme Court and the County Court, and importantly the Uniform Rules for Matrimonial Practice. There are also rules for the Appellate Courts of each Judicial Department, such as here for the 2nd Judicial Department, and for each court-- such as Westchester County NY Matrimonial Part Rules in Westchester County. There are even rules that vary from judge to judge, which you can find here for Westchester County, NY.

Westchester County District Attorney’s Complaint Form

*No information provided here is to be taken as authoritative or as legal advice, and the links or information provided may be out of date. Please consult your attorney and check the website for proper procedures and the most current information.